In Buddhism, the lotus symbolizes purity and the primordial waters from which all life is created. Meaning also varies depending on what color it is. White Lotus symbolizes the state of spiritual perfection and total mental purity. The pink lotus is associated with the Great Buddha himself so this is reserved for the highest deity. The red one represents love, compassion, passion and all other qualities of the heart. The Blue Lotus signifies wisdom and knowledge and also symbol of the victory of the spirit over the senses. In terms of how its executed, an unopened lotus blossom symbolizes the potential for enlightenment while an opened blossom means full enlightenment. In China, however, the flower connotes purity, perfection and spiritual grace. In the Indian culture, its a symbol of fertility while in Egypt, it embodies royal power.
Lotus flower tattoo designs can be a good option if you are looking for something that has great symbolism attached to them. Moreover, this flower is naturally pretty with its gorgeous petals and amazing colors, it will definitely look good no matter what part of the body its inked at.